Awareness, Appreciation
and Action.

In 2015, 195 participant countries and the European Union with 196 signatories adhered to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations. These goals are in line with Tigermar’s beliefs and culture.
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Environmental, Social, and Governance

Tigermar understands sustainability as the ability to adapt to new demands by using creativity and innovation, creating value for the groups of interest. This paves the way for social and economic progress while also mitigating the environmental impact in our areas of operation within the framework of solid corporate governance.


At Tigermar we are committed to reducing our carbon footprint. We are a paperless operation, we recycle our waste, and we arrange and sponsor corporate events to promote the preservation and betterment of our environment.

Diversity & Inclusion

Every company has its own distinct culture, etiquette, and protocols. A way of doing things. Ethics and habits that influence all functions of the business. Ours is built on the mutual respect and understanding that our people have for each other, without discrimination or prejudice.


Tigermar creates a working environment that supports and encourages honest, proper ethical behaviour. We have a strong anti-bribery and corruption policy, with a zero-tolerance approach and regular reinforcement of best practices.

Charitable donations

Tigermar works with different charities each year to support causes that have either touched the lives of our team, or those close to us.
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